Saturday, August 2, 2014

Raffi Birthday Party Ideas

My son's 2nd birthday party was a guitar and Raffi theme. We even had the invitations made with a "Come Shake Your Sillies Out" language.

I was surprised that I didn't find too many ideas on-line or Pinterest, so most were my own. HOWEVER and that's a big however, the decorations for his party turned out to not be my finest projects or best projects for sure.

The attempt and ideas were there, but the execution just didn't come out the way I'd hoped. From the song, "Shake my Sillies Out," I took some of the lyrics and made a sign that said, "Wibble Our Wobbles Away, Adult Drinks! Anyone wobbling at the End of the Party Has to Stay!" However, after the party, I realized I didn't know the true lyrics and it's really wiggle our waggles away. Ha oops!

Drink station, I tried to make my own version of a John Daly, which is similar to an Arnold Palmer (iced tea and lemonade), just with alcohol. I thought it tasted pretty good!

A couple of weeks ago, my mom sent me an email with a link to a cake shaped like a guitar. My first reaction was, "That's too much work, she doesn't need to do that." Of course, as the party approached, it thought it would be fun and my mom was still up for the challenge.

The only issue was an oven as she still hasn't bought one (it went out in September), so my oven was needed. My mom came over Thursday before the party and she and I got on the computer to find some cake recipes. She decided a paleo coconut sounded good (it was a lot like a recipe she used to make, but couldn't find the recipe card) and a banana spice. Thursday night we worked together baking the cakes at my house. Then on Saturday the cake was decorated; the guitar cake turned out so cute and both tasted heavenly!

Also on the table, are some color copies of book pages and books that are made from Raffi's song lyrics like Down By the Bay and Shake Your Sillies Out.

I tried making banana phone desserts (another Raffi song), but they looked pretty silly. Shortcake was filled with strawberry filling and topped with whipped cream, a banana Runt, and yellow pipe cleaners to look like the receiver of a phone. It's a stretch I know...

The picture I don't have is the giant sun I tried to create out of yellow balloons and a blow up sun that I found at the Dollar Store. Yellow streamers hung around the pergola, all connecting into the yellow balloons to create the Mr. Golden Sun, from the song "Oh, Mr. Golden Sun."

The sign on the front door I created a large guitar with guitar strings made of string and next to the large guitar also was a sign with some of the lyrics to the song, "Something in my Shoe."

Of course we had Raffi music playing over the outdoor speakers all through the party. Another decoration I created was I drew a large whale on a piece of foam core, then hung a large sign next to it that said, "Baby Beluga."

Like I said, not great, but at least might give you a few ideas on what you can do for a Raffi themed party!

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