Saturday, April 5, 2014

Staple Stores and Restaurants Closing

It seems some of those staple stores and restaurants in our area, those with the great neon signs, the ones that your parents visited if they grew up here in the 60's (or worked at) are closing. And it isn't necessarily because of financial trouble or money.

Overly simplified, the story is something like these mom-and-pop places made it all these years, made it through the Great Recession, now the owners are ready to retire, their kids don't want to take over the family business, so the owners sell the property to retire (which is now easier to find buyers for the property than it was three or four years ago).

The IGA store off St. Johns Road closed after many years being the only large grocery store for the homes in this neighborhood.

This store did close because of financial hardship, story can be found here.

Across the street is Bill's Chicken and Steakhouse and it is closing at the end of this month.  They still served water in those very small brown drinking glass that maybe held four ounces. Probably the same ones for 30, 40 years.

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